make linux file executable

Linux: How to Make a File Executable | A Comprehensive Guide

Linux: how to make a file executable? That’s what we’ll answer in this article. In the world of Linux, every file has the potential to be executable. Unlike other operating systems like Windows, there is no need for a specific file extension to declare executable files . This flexibility opens up a world of possibilities for file management and automation in the Linux ecosystem. In this  guide, we will examine different ways of making a file executable in Linux. We will cover methods using both the command-line interface (CLI) and the graphical user interface (GUI). 

Understanding File Execution in Linux

To properly execute a file in Linux, it is important to understand how file execution works in this operating system. In Linux, executing a file requires determining its permission requirements. These permissions define who has the ability to read, write and execute the file.
In Linux, permissions are allocated to each file using a set of mode bits. These mode bits establish access permissions for the owner, group and other users. The permissions are indicated by the letters r (read), w (write) and x (execute). Using the chmod command, individual permissions can be set for the owner, group and others. 

Method 1: Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The CLI method provides a powerful and flexible way to make a file executable in Linux. By using the chmod command, you can easily modify the file’s permissions to allow execution. Let’s walk through the steps involved in making a file executable using the CLI. In this example, we are not talking about a binary file. A binary executable file does not need to be executed by an interpreter. A binary executable file contains pre-installed code that the OS can directly execute. 

Step 1: Create a New Text File

To begin, create a new text file with a file extension of your choice. For example, let’s create a file called “” using the following command:

$ touch

Step 2: Add the Shebang Line

The shebang line is necessary for the file to be recognized as executable. It specifies the interpreter or shell that should be used to execute the script. For a bash script, add the following line at the top of the file:


Step 3: Write the Script

Now, you can write the script within the file. This can include a series of commands or instructions that you want to execute when the file is run.

echo "Hello, Linux!"

Step 4: Linux: How to Make a File Executable – Set the Execute Permission!

To make the file executable, you need to set the execute permission using the chmod command. The u+x flag grants the owner of the file the execute permission.

$ chmod u+x

The command chmod u+x will make the file executable by the user who owns the file. The u in the command stands for “user”, and the +x means “add the execute permission” for file. The x permission allows a file to be executed as a program.

Step 5: Execute the Script

Once the file with file name has been made executable, you can run it by typing ./ in the terminal. The output of the script will be displayed in the terminal.

$ ./
Hello, Linux!

Method 2: Graphical User Interface (GUI)

If you prefer a more user-friendly approach, the GUI method allows you to make a file executable with just a few clicks. Here’s how you can make a file executable using the GUI:

Step 1: Open the File Properties

Start by locating the file you want to make executable in the file manager. Right-click on the file and select “Properties” from the context menu.

Step 2: Navigate to the Permissions Tab

In the Properties window, navigate to the “Permissions” tab. Here, you will find the option to “Allow executing file as program” or a similar checkbox.

Linux: How to Make a File Executable

Step 3: Enable the Execute Permission

Check the box next to “Allow executing file as program” to enable the execute permission for the file. This grants the necessary permissions to execute the file when double-clicked or run from the terminal.

Step 4: Execute the File

Now that the file has been made executable, you can execute it by double-clicking on it or running it from the terminal using the ./filename command.

Understanding Octal Numbers in File Permissions

In addition to the methods mentioned above, you can also use octal numbers to set file permissions. 

By setting permissions for the owner, group, and other users, this method allows for simple and detailed control over a file’s permissions. 

Each permission is assigned a numeric value: read (4), write (2), and execute (1). By adding these values together, you can represent the desired permissions. For example, 755 allows the owner to read, write, and execute the file, while the group and others can only read and execute it.

These are some frequently used values for file permissions:

  • 755: Owner can read, write, and execute; group and others can read and execute.
  • 700: Owner can read, write, and execute; group and others have no permissions.
  • 644: Owner can read and write; group and others can only read.
  • 600: Owner can read and write; group and others have no permissions.

To set the permissions using numbers, use the following syntax with the chmod command:

$ chmod <octal> <filename>


Linux: How to Make a File Executable? Making a file executable in Linux is a straightforward process that provides flexibility and automation capabilities. Whether you choose the CLI method or the GUI method, you can easily grant the necessary permissions to execute a file. Remember to use the appropriate chmod command to set the desired permissions, and always consider the security implications of making file executable in Linux.

So, whether you need to create a script, run a program, or automate tasks, now you know how to make a file executable in Linux.