Linux version

How To: Check the Version of Your Linux Distribution

If you’re a Linux user, you may need to know the version of your distribution at some point. Fortunately, there are several ways to check the version of your Linux distribution. In this blog post, we’ll cover some of the most common methods.

  1. Using the “lsb_release -a”command. This command displays information about your distribution, including the name, version, description, and ID.
  2. Using the “cat /etc/os-release” command. This command displays information about your operating system, including the distribution name, version, and ID.
  3. Using the “uname -a” command. This command displays information about your kernel, including the kernel version.
  4. Using the “cat /proc/version”command. This command displays information about your kernel, including the kernel version and build.
  5. Using the “hostnamectl” command. This command displays information about your operating system, including the distribution name, version, and ID.

To execute these commands, open your terminal and type the relevant command. The output will provide the necessary information about your Linux distribution.

In conclusion, checking the version of your Linux distribution is a simple process. With the methods described in this post, you should be able to find the version of your distribution quickly and easily.